Thursday, November 8, 2012

"The Aftermath of Drunken Deena"

Deena better be thankful that she has parents and roommates that actually care about their well being. In Deena’s case, some parents will say “You’re on your own, you got yourself in that situation, now get yourself out!” She just better be glad she has people willing to be there for her when she’s at her lowest point. I’m also somewhat agreeing with the cast. Deena’s is really making her relationship out to be something she’s not asking for by her dramatic actions. Just slow it down, and take a deep breath Deena.

I thought Mike would be “the good guy” in a relationship. I guess not. He’s just all over the place, and cannot keep his hands to himself. That’s an instant RED FLAG! Mike slow down before you cause problems that you don’t want. It also seems like he wants to suddenly end that relationship. Give it a shot Mike.

No Vinny! Don’t do it. What’s changed? I thought you were waiting for someone you previously met.. Don’t go back to the one night stands. Save yourself for the person that deserves you.

That’s it for this week. Next week it is you guys.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Don't Let It Happen Again!"

Deena getting arrested is more pitiful than Nicole getting arrested. It definitely is a sad day when Nicole is the only designated driver in the house at the time. Deena’s parents were on her like no other. I can’t blame them though. They’re just doing their job at the end of the day. Don’t let it happen again Deena! LOL

Nicole needs to just get over herself. Mike has changed, she sees that. She knows he’s trying hard to redeem himself; she needs to forgive him already. Move on, let the grudge go. I’m not saying she has to forget what he did and instantly go back to trusting him, but at least give him another chance just to be around her with no problems again.

It’s about time Mike actually feels the need to slow it down and actually pursue one girl. I would like to see Pauly and Vinny make this move Mike is doing as well, but I know that just isn’t going to happen. Mike pops the question and Paula does a 180 degree turn on him.

Jenni is just an emotional wreck. If a guy doesn’t answer the phone for you for days that’s definitely a bad sign. It really sounds like Roger is fed up with everything that has happened up until that day of the fight. He’s pretty much just tired of being pushed around.

That's it for this week. Next week it is.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

"A Drunken Day on the Boardwalk"

..Damn! I think Roger was drunk as hell when he struck Jenni. Snooki was right; some much chaos was bound to happen at that club. Thank God she didn’t go, because there’s no telling what could have happened to her. Now Jenni’s ankle is fractured. Roger definitely owes Jenni an apology. He’s so lucky she’s not taking legal action against him.

I still cannot believe that the only two sober people are Mike and Snooki. I like the thought of that though. Those two have turned a new leaf. To see Mike now romantically getting involved with someone and Nicole to be knocked up and being the most mature one is quite refreshing.

Deena and her missing meatball story is hilarious. Deena is always emotional, and now she is pissy drunk on the Boardwalk. I don’t understand how you can go to sleep drunken, wake up drunk, and continue to drink all day the next day. That resulted in Deena being arrested on the Boardwalk for stopping traffic, and just being a meatball mess. Good luck with that Deena.

Snooki becoming a Mother is shocking. I believe she’ll be an amazing Mother. Her son is gorgeous. I wish the best to her and her new family.

Until we meet again people.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"Play Until Proven Wrong"

Nicole is pregnant, Mike is clean off of drugs, Ron and Sam are back together, and Deena is happily in love. What is the world coming to?? LOL, I’m kidding. I’m glad to see everyone is maturing and moving along in life successfully.

Mike is trying to start out fresh and on a good note. Thumbs up! He’s trying to turn a new life, so he gets an “A” for effort. That dinner was thoughtful. It’s also very big of Mike to walk away from alcohol after being sober for so long. That takes a lot to do, so I commend him for that. During the previous seasons I didn’t like Mike whatsoever, but I think that may change soon enough.

Finally Ron and Sam can keep their drama to themselves, that’s if there is any. Ron and Sam had the chance to have their own room seasons ago, but they chose to take the biggest room upon their arrival,s o all of that mess with the room situation was on them. It was only a matter of time before these two argued. It wouldn’t be Ron and Sam if they didn’t argue, I just didn’t think it would happen the first episode in a night club.

Nicole is just helpless at this point. She can’t tan, she can’t party like she use to, she can’t exercise like she use to, Snooki can barely do anything. I just know Snooki is just dreading life at this point. All of her favorite things to do are off limits, I feel kind of bad for her. This is all for the best though. She’s carrying a precious life inside of her, so at the end of the day none of that other stuff should matter. Nicole staying next door from the house in a private setting would probably be the best decision. Living in the house is just not her set at the moment.

I believe Vinny is seriously in love with Nicole low key. He keeps taking these shots at Jionni when Jionni has done nothing to him. He envies Jionni low key. He wants what Jionni has with Nicole. It he felt that way, he should’ve stepped up and tried to be with her awhile ago. If it’s still meant to be then it’ll happen, but if not, get over it.  
This 2 hour season premiere was something. It definitely was entertaining.

Until next week you guys